Borders and Boundaries

Borders and Boundaries
The Neglected Value of Effective Government
Richard H. Pildes
Sudler Family Professor of Constitutional Law, New York University School of Law.

This is a somewhat modified version of a forthcoming book chapter in THE ELECTION LAW HANDBOOK (Eugene Mazo ed. 2024), which also draws on work in Richard H. Pildes, Political Fragmentation in the Democracies of the West, 37 BYU J. PUB. L. 209 (2023). For comments, I owe thanks to Richard Briffault, James Gardner, Tabatha Abu El-Haj, and Gene Mazo. For research assistance, thanks go to Philip Lockwood-Bean, Will Goncher, Pieter Brower, and Jonathan Wampler.

Democratic systems inevitably seek to reflect and realize a range of values. But democratic and legal theory in recent decades have given too little attention and weight to the value and importance of delivering effective government. Much of democratic theory and legal scholarship on democracy focuses on values such as political equality, fair representation, democratic deliberation, political partic- ipation, and individual rights, among other values. But less weight is given to the capacity of government to deliver effectively on the issues citizens care about most urgently.

Borders and Boundaries
Cross-Border Inflfluencers: Democracy and Externalities
Saul Levmore
William B. Graham Distinguished Service Professor, The University of Chicago Law School.

This Article explores the fact that United States law permits domestic cross-border political influences while restricting foreign interference in elections. It tries to show that the law is inconsistent in trying to balance its faith in democracy (in a given jurisdiction) with its concern for externalities. Laws forbidding all cross-border attempts to influence politics would seem to reflect the view that decision-making processes across a border should be respected rather than subject to interference, assuming that the other jurisdiction is reasonably democratic. The analysis explores, and offers examples of, the interaction between a faith in democracy and the consideration of externalities, such as cross-border pollution. 

Borders and Boundaries
The Border’s Migration
Nicole Hallett
Clinical Professor of Law, University of Chicago Law School.

I would like to thank the members of The University of Chicago Legal Forum and attendees of the Legal Forum’s Fall 2022 Symposium for their insight and commentary on this essay.

The border has never played a larger role in the American psyche than it does today, and yet it has never been less legally significant. Today, a non-citizen’s place of residence tells you less about what rights and privileges they enjoy than it ever has in the past. The border has migrated inward, affecting many aspects of non-citizens’ lives in the United States. The divergence between the physical and legal border is no accident. Instead, it is a policy response to the perceived loss of control over the physical border. But the physical border remains porous despite these legal changes. People keep migrating even as we continue to draw boundaries within communities, homes, and workplaces far away from the border. This paper explores how U.S. law has evolved to render the border superfluous, even as its symbolic importance has grown, and how it might further evolve in the future.

Borders and Boundaries
Borders that Bend
César Cuauhtémoc García Hernández
Gregory H. Williams Chair in Civil Rights and Civil Liberties and Professor of Law, Ohio State University.

Special thanks to Lauren Hamlett for excellent assistance.

Borders do not exist. They are made and remade. At every step, the law creates, moves, reforms, reproduces, and reinforces the border. Focusing on the boundary that México and the United States share, this essay critiques the U.S. Supreme Court’s privileging of the sovereign prerogative to control access to the nation’s territory. In their efforts to control movement across and near the border, legal doctrine permits Executive officials to deviate from ordinary legal constraints on the use of violence. This creates a modern version of the sovereign that Carl Schmitt described a century ago: extra-constitutional in origin and subject to law only on its own terms. Urging an end to the law of border exceptionalism, the essay argues that the Schmittian sovereignty that exists in the borderlands is neither justified by the facts on the ground nor required by the very legal principles that the Supreme Court points to.

Borders and Boundaries
Deploying Trustworthy AI in the Courtroom: Lessons from Examining Algorithm Bias in Redistricting AI
Wendy K. Tam Cho
Departments of Political Science, Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science, and Asian American Studies, the College of Law, and the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Bruce E. Cain
Department of Political Science and Bill Lane Center for the American West, Stanford University.

Deploying trustworthy AI is an increasingly pressing and common concern. In a court of law, the challenges are exacerbated by the confluence of a general lack of expertise in the judiciary and the rapid speed of techno-logical advancement. We discuss the obstacles to trustworthy AI in the courtroom through a discussion that focuses on the legal landscape sur-rounding electoral redistricting. We focus on two particular issues, data bi-as and a lack of domain knowledge, and discuss how they may lead to problematic legal decisions. We conclude with a discussion of the separate but complementary roles of technology and human deliberation. We em-phasize that political fairness is a philosophical and political concept that must be conceived of through human consensus building, a process that is distinct from algorithm development.

Borders and Boundaries
The Gravity of Legal Diffusion
Anu Bradford
Anu Bradford is the Henry L. Moses Professor of Law and International Organization, Co- lumbia Law School.
Adam Chilton
Adam Chilton is a Professor of Law and the Walter Mander Research Scholar, University of Chicago Law School.
Katerina Linos
Katerina Linos is Tragen Professor of Law and Faculty Co-Director, Miller Institute for Global Challenges and the Law, University of California, Berkeley.

For helpful comments, we thank Rose Burnam, Kevin Cope, Stavros Gadinis, William Hubbard, Andreas Kakridis, Aila Matanock, Alison Post, Mara Revkin, Kyle Rozema, Megan Stevenson, and Bartek Woda. We also thank participants at The University of Chicago Legal Forum Symposium in November 2022. We owe special thanks to the over 100 research assistants at Columbia Law School that helped us gather and code the antitrust data we employ in this paper. We gratefully acknowledge the funding by the National Science Foundation that supported the early data gathering effort (see NSF-Law & Social Sciences grants 1228453 & 1228483, awarded in September 2012). The coding was subsequently expanded with the generous support of the Columbia Public Policy Grant: “Does Antitrust Policy Promote Market Performance and Competitiveness?,” awarded in June 2015, and additional financial support from Columbia Law School. We also thank the Russell Baker Scholars Fund and the Hans Zeisel Endowment for Empirical Research in the Law at the University of Chicago for research support. We also thank the Miller Center for Global Challenges and the Law, and the Institute for European Studies, at the University of California at Berkeley, and the DAAD and Jean Monnet Fellowships for their support.

A persistent empirical finding is that bilateral trade between two countries is proportional to the size of their economies and inversely proportional to their geographic distance. We hypothesize that a similar pattern is likely to hold for the diffusion of laws. We specifically argue that countries’ propensity to update their laws to converge with the leading regulator in a given policy area is likely to be proportional to the size of their economies and inversely proportional to their geographic distance. We then empirically test this theory in the area of antitrust and assess countries’ convergence to the world’s leading antitrust regulator: the European Union. Using a modified gravity equation, we find that a country’s economic size is consistently positively correlated with continued legal convergence and that a county’s distance from the European Union is consistently negatively correlated with continued convergence. These results suggest that a modified gravity model may offer a simple model of legal diffusion that does not requiring strong epistemic and empirical assumptions.

Borders and Boundaries
A New Global Corporate Regulatory Power?: Market Entry as the Basis for Prescriptive Jurisdiction
Rachel Brewster
The Jeffrey and Bettysue Hughes Professor of Law, Duke Law School; Co-Director of the Duke Center for International and Comparative Law.

Please send comments to Thanks to Brett Crow for excellent research assistance.

The rules of international economic law are changing. In a range of areas, governments are asserting that if a multinational firm touches the state’s market, the state can claim the authority to regulate the firm everywhere. This departure from multilateral economic coordination and towards more unilateral regulatory power over firms’ global operations represents an important shift in international economic policy. We have entered an era where governments are embracing more unilateral tools to resist foreign economic influence and reinvigorating national industrial policies.  This Article examines the political dynamics that lead states to use access to their national markets as the basis for global corporate regulation in the national security and corporate social responsibility (CSR) fields. Specifically, this Article analyzes how market-entry-based global regulations represent an expansive conception of states’ extraterritorial jurisdiction and what constraints there are on states’ exercise of these jurisdictional claims.

Borders and Boundaries
Dividing the Body Politic
James A. Gardner
Bridget and Thomas Black SUNY Distinguished Professor of Law and Research Professor of Political Science, University at Buffalo Law School, The State University of New York

An earlier version of this paper was presented as the Keynote Address at a conference on “Borders and Boundaries” at the University of Chicago Law School on November 4, 2022. I am grateful to the editors of the Legal Forum for inviting me, and offering me the opportunity to rethink a considerable body of prior work. I thank Tico Taussig-Rubbo, Matt Steilen, and Paul Linden-Retek for valuable comments and leads to sources, and Andrew Henry for outstanding research assistance.

It has long been assumed in large, modern, democratic states that the successful practice of democratic politics requires some kind of internal division of the polity into subunits. In the United States, the appropriate methods and justifications for doing so have long been deeply and inconclusively contested. One reason for the intractability of these disputes is that American practices of political self-division are rooted in, and have been largely carried forward from, premodern practices that rested originally on overtly illiberal assumptions and justifications that are difficult or impossible to square with contemporary commitments to philosophical liberalism.