Constitutional Rights

The Body
The Case Against Reason-Based Abortion Bans
Gray Sutton
B.A., The University of Chicago, 2020; J.D. Candidate, The University of Chicago Law School, 2023.

This Comment wouldn’t exist without the prodding guidance of Professor Geoffrey Stone, nor the incredible support from Kathleen Schmidt, Kimberly Johnson, and the rest of the staff of The University of Chicago Legal Forum.

Absent from the docket, and flying under the public’s radar, was another, different form of abortion restriction: the reason-based abortion ban. This Comment will focus on the possible constitutional justifications for these laws and subsequently undermine them.

The Body
Menstrual Product Deprivation in Prison: A Sex-Neutral Litigation Strategy
Avery Broome
B.A., The University of Chicago, 2018; J.D. Candidate; M.A. SciencesPo, 2020; The University of Chicago Law School, 2023.

My sincere thanks to Professor Hubbard for his excellent guidance and help shaping this paper, along with the staff of The University of Chicago Legal Forum for their hard work and editorial support. 

Prisons at both the state and federal levels routinely deny or severely restrict access to menstrual supplies for those who need them. Detainees and prisoners alike are left to bleed onto their clothes and the floor of their cells.