Law in a Networked World

What's the Harm? The Future of the First Amendment
The Internet as a Speech Machine and Other Myths Confounding Section 230 Reform
Danielle Keats Citron
Austin B. Fletcher Professor of Law, Boston University School of Law, Vice President, Cyber Civil Rights Initiative, 2019 MacArthur Fellow.
Mary Anne Franks
Professor of Law & Dean’s Distinguished Scholar, University of Miami School of Law, President, Cyber Civil Rights Initiative.

Deep thanks to the editors of the University of Chicago Legal Forum for including us in the symposium. Olivier Sylvain, Spencer Overton, Genevieve Lakier, Brian Leiter, and symposium participants provided helpful comments. It was a particular pleasure to engage with co-panelists Amy Adler, Leslie Kendrick, and Fred Schauer. Matthew Atha provided superb research assistance. We are grateful to Dan Simon and Rebecca Roman for their terrific suggestions and editing.

The debate begins with a basic question: should platforms be responsible for user-generated content? If so, under what circumstances? What exactly would such responsibility look like?