Drug Policy

Law for the Next Pandemic
COVID-19: Isolating the Problems in Privacy Protection for Individuals with Substance Use Disorder
Kimberly Johnson
B.A., Washington University in St. Louis, 2017; J.D. Candidate, The University of Chicago Law School, 2022.

Thank you to the many mentors who have inspired me along the way; this Comment marks the beginning of a lifetime of legal learning. Another huge thank you to my family and the members of the 2021–22 Board of The University of Chicago Legal Forum for their support.

This Comment evaluates the extent to which the CARES Act Modifications sustainably balance individual privacy expectations with strong public interests in obtaining SUD records and integrated care. Moreover, it suggests avenues to fill gaps in protection for individuals with SUD after their information has been disclosed.

The Body
Abortion Experts
Aziza Ahmed
Professor of Law and R. Gordan Butler Scholar of International Law at the Boston University School of Law

I would like to thank Mary Anne Case, Jonathan Masur, and the editors of the University of Chicago Legal Forum for including me on this symposium and for their helpful comments. I am also grateful to the participants of the Baby Markets 2022 with special thanks to Michele Goodwin and Antwann Simpkins for comments provided at the workshop.

The COVID-19 pandemic, and the overturning of Roe v. Wade, has intensified the fight for access to medication abortion. I argue that conservative and progressive advocacy over medication abortion are windows into how courts legitimize and delegitimize different types of expertise in the service of political goals.